Shrubs & Hedges
How to Plant and Grow Shrubs and Hedges
Growing Shrubs and Hedges
Shrubs and Hedges are defined as woody plants of relatively low height, having several stems arising from the base and lacking a single trunk. Shrubs and Hedges are often the anchors of a landscape and come in a multitude of sizes, colors and shapes.
Some have striking fall colors and some can provide intensely colored stems and branches for contrast against the winter snow. Other shrubs and hedges provide early spring flowers and many provide summer privacy and eye-catching foliage. One of the great things about shrubs and hedges is that most of them are easy to care for and will remain pleasing to the eye for long periods of time with minimal effort.
How to Plant Shrubs and Hedges
Dig a hole twice as wide and slightly shallower than the root ball. Roughen the sides and bottom of the hole with a pick or shovel so that roots can penetrate the soil. With a potted shrub, gently remove the shrub from the container. Place the root ball in the hole.
Leave the top of the root ball (where the roots end and the trunk begins) about one inch above the surrounding soil, making sure not to cover it unless roots are exposed. As you add soil to fill in around the shrub, lightly tamp the soil to collapse air pockets, or add water to help settle the soil. Form a temporary water basin around the base of the shrub to encourage water penetration, and water thoroughly after planting.
How to Mulch Shrubs and Hedges
A shrub with a dry root ball cannot absorb water; if the root ball is extremely dry, allow water to trickle into the soil by placing the hose at the base of the shrub. Apply a 2-4 inch layer of mulch around the shrub to help retain moisture and slow the weed growth.
Watering Shrubs and Hedges
Generally, rainfall will take care of watering for you. However, if you don't get at least one inch of rainfall weekly, check the surrounding soil about 3 inches down for dryness. If the soil is dry here, it's time to water your shrubs.